Monday, May 10, 2010

36 hours to go

Am I really 36 hours away from heading to Africa? This seems so surreal. This trip is something I've wanted for longer than I can remember, and now I'm scrambling at the last second to pull it all together.

What do I pack? How many t-shirts, pairs of pants, socks and underwear....did I get enough deet products, sanitizing wipes, batteries, memory cards? Do I really need that sleeping bag? the jacket? Can I do without the sweatshirt and the heavy hiking boots? You wouldn't know it by looking at me, but I'm an over-packer, and boy, let me tell you, I'm trying to figure out how to get all that stuff into that little backpack of mine!

Is booking just the first two nights of my trip enough? The problem with not planning out your whole trip is not knowing if you will have laundry facilities, hot or running water, internet, a flushing toilet, etc. Not knowing when or with whom you will be in contact. I guess that's part of the adventure, though.

Who walks away from a good job in this economy to go on some crazy trip to Kenya? I must be out of my mind. Guess that mid-life crisis came a little early! ;) With all the insanity, I'm still so very excited! This is an experience of a lifetime and it's right around the corner. I'll keep you all posted when I can! :) Please send good thoughts my way!


  1. Aw! Best of luck, cousin! I love you!

  2. We're all thinking of you and sending our love and support and protection your way! I can't wait to hear updates. Travel safe and have an amazing time!
