Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, I just have to ask, is it lame that for 2 days in a row, I've had an avocado/guacamole bacon cheeseburger? It makes me feel a little guilty to be eating American food while in Africa, but I just can't help myself! ;)


  1. go for it girl, anything you can eat whenever you can is probably ok. :)

  2. Sounds delicious to me... I'm just glad you're eating!

  3. Why don't you try lyon meat or giraffe' sounds good to me

  4. hey cat-a-tack....Which would you prefer a avacodo/guacamole bacon cheeseburger or ... A huge 5 guys burger??? Come home safely and I'll buy! :-)

  5. hmmmm....I'm going to have to go with 5 guys on the burger!
    Renaud, you crazy man, people don't eat giraffe and lion here, they eat french men! You should come for a visit! lol!
    I had a yummy chicken burrito today with avocado. Even though I'm slightly allergic to avocado and it makes my mouth itchy, I can't resist it. They are the size of papayas here!
